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Foreign companies in China can find it quite challenging dealing with staff from different backgrounds and cultures. We developed some special business modules that can be added-on to your team building event to help you deal with common issues faced by intercultural groups, in China or in general.

A team building activity with a business module add-on will be designed in such a way as participants while working on deciphering clues, passing challenges, handling the pressure or communicating with their teammates, will eventually put in practise the skills to tackle the underlying problems.

They will probably do it without realising it, but the debriefing will help them acknowledge the initial problem and the solution they applied to handle it.

Being a Foreign company in China like you, we understand the particular Challenges you are facing...

But, we love Challenges and even more - the Strength and Opportunities you can get out of a Team's Diversity.

Some of our popular modules (to choose from):
  • Greatness in cultures’ differences (culture shock)
  • Get in other people’s shoes (conflict of interest)
  • Taking Initiatives (pro-activity)
  • Thinking outside of the box (lateral thinking)

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