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[ A Treasure Hunt is great! With an App, it’s even better… Connecting it to a KLUEBOX you can touch, feel and interact with, is just way cooler! _ ]




Our Treasure and Escape Game’s boxes are so special, we had to give it a name: KLUEBOX, the treasure chest on steroids !_

You’re hesitating between a Treasure Hunt or an Escape Game, outdoors or indoors? Don’t!

Thanks to KLUEBOX -we can give you all…

The Treasure Hunt will take you around town to collect clues to help you open the KLUEBOX. After gathering them all, you can switch to an Escape Game mode and start deciphering them -but instead of escaping a room- you’ll need to open all doors of the KLUEBOX and finally grab your treasure.

-​ Our Popular TABLE-TOP EVENTS/​

You're in SHANGHAI, BEIJING, SANYA, XIAMEN or elsewhere in China, and have
1hr (or more) on the side of your annual meeting or conference? Try the KlueBox!
Adrenaline and Fun is guaranteed with this unique team building event.

...Or, simply enjoy it in the comfort of your office, meeting room or in a cozy cafe

one box is not enough


We don’t have just one box and one game to play with it but, a dozen boxes and 100s of games to play.

Mechanical, High-Tech or a combination

High-tech or a good old padlock?

Our high-tech KLUEBOX comes with a built-in computer and digital locks opening with codes or triggered by sensors (altitude, GPS location, temperature, brightness, speed, knock pattern on the box, humidity, and many more).

KLUEBOX are connected wirelessly to our App, so they can all be connected to each other whether you are on-site or at the other side of the world.

And, if you love a good old padlock, we’ve got you covered with our traditional KlueBox, with secret mechanical doors, ancient locks and mechanism.

And, if you love a good old padlock, we’ve got you covered with our traditional KLUEBOX, with secret mechanical doors, ancient locks and mechanism.

[ _ A constant interaction between teams, the KLUEBOX, booklet, APP... a physical world intertwined with a digital one...

Shanghai > Paris > 厦门 > New York > Berlin > 北京

A true story...

Your last instruction in your booklet told your team to go on the Bund in front of the old Great Northern Telegraph building. Meanwhile, your Beijing team is on the Great Wall trying to find a stone tablet inscribed with the words of Mao Zedong: “You’re not a hero until you’ve been to the Great Wall.”

When they reach it, their altitude’s sensor in their KLUEBOX triggers an event. And suddenly, more than a 1000s kms away, your KLUEBOX vibrates and starts emitting in loop a Morse code sounds! No, follow the App’s instructions to decode it.

After inputting the correct code in the App and without warning a door on both of your KLUEBOX, yours and Beijing team, pops open.

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